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Volume in LitersDelivery frequency
100 - 10006 months (2x per year)

1100 - 1300

4 months (3x per year)
1400 - 18003 months (4x per year)

1900 - 2500

2 months (6x per year)


O-Care Water Treatment (2 x 2ltr)

This brilliant bottle holds miracles. So much more than a hot tub water treatment, O Care’s two-step weekly spa care removes & prevents sediment build up and constantly cleans the Spa; even at moments of low sanitiser levels.

Every Spa has a big, invisible problem which can be very bad for your health and the components of your spa. Biofilm, a sediment filled with bacteria and calcium, settles in the pipes, pumps, heater, corners. Without a good, invasive clean, chlorine or bromine can’t work properly and Biofilm can build up; damaging your spa or causing it to break.

O Care is also one of the best hot tub chemicals for sensitive skin. Free from harsh chemicals, the O Care hot tub watercare naturally cleanses your hot tubs plumbing and fittings and leaves your skin feeling soft and odourless.


O-Care is:

Safe: Using O-Care can reduce the amount of Chlorine or Bromine used by 78%.Chemicals can irritate eyes, ears and skin, so O-Care is especially safe for children who love going underwater.

Soft: The mixture of high quality mineral salts will leave your skin feeling soft and odourless. You will not need to shower after bathing, which is important when using chemical water treatments alone

Simple: Just add the 2 compounds to the spa water once a week using the measuring cup included. The O-Care box will last 3 to 5 months.


O-Care Benefits

Easy water maintenance

Completely natural ingredients

Amazing reduction of chemicals by up to 78%

Increases the longevity of hot tub parts

Leaves your skin feeling soft

And smelling fresh after using your hot tub

O-Care Weekly Spa Care

PriceFrom £79.90
Price Options
One-time purchase
6 x Per Year
£30 discount (1900 - 2500 Litres Hot tub Volume)
£79.90every 2 months until canceled
4 x per year
£20 discount (1400 - 1800 Litres Hot tub Volume)
£79.90every 3 months until canceled
3 x per year
£15 Discount (1100 - 1300 Litres Hot tub Volume)
£79.90every 4 months until canceled
2 x per year
£10 Discount (100 - 1000 Litres Hot tub Volume)
£79.90every 6 months until canceled
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