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With energy costs on the rise across the UK, SilebySpas is here to help you manage the expenses of running a hot tub or swim spa.

We provide a free energy efficiency survey to identify areas where your tub may be costing you. Based on the results, we can offer advice on how to improve its efficiency.

Don't hesitate to contact us to schedule a visit! 

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Insulation upgrades are the most cost-effective way to improve your hot tub.


Many hot tubs, especially Chinese tubs, come with little to no insulation. On the other hand, higher quality tubs often come with insulation already installed, so keep that in mind.


We can fit different stages of insulation to your hot tub at various price ranges to enhance its efficiency.

hot tub Insulation upgrade


Heatpump 360 view

Air source heat pumps are the best way to reduce the cost of heating your hot tub.

They can save you an average of 50% and are up to 75% more efficient than standard electric elements.

Our professional team will handle the installation, and once it's fitted, the heat pump seamlessly integrates with your hot tub, requiring no input from you.


An air source heat pump can effectively pay for itself within 12-24 months. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our team or learn more below!


Your hot tub cover is often the main culprit for heat loss.

If it's not working effectively, you might even see steam rising out of the tub on a cold day!


We highly recommend investing in a new cover, especially if your tub is a few years old. A good quality cover can typically last 3-5 years with proper care.


Our supplied covers come with the following features:


  •  5-3" inch or 6-4" inch tapered foam

  • High-density foam

  • Continuous heat seal 

  • Thick vapor barrier

  • Free measurement, delivery, and installation

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